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다음 글의 요지 및 주제 파악하기
Q. 다음 글의 요지는?
There are over two hundered diffrent species of turtles in the world. Some turtles are quite small; they can fit in your hand. However, other kinds of turtles of turtles may grow to weigh more than five hundred kilos! One kind of sea turtle is the heaviest of all repriles. A fully grown sea turtle of this kind may be almost three meters long and weigh much more than five hundred kilos.
1. Sea turtles are extremely rare. 2. Small turtles can fit in your hands. 3. Small turtles make excellent pets for children. 4. Turtles may vary greatly in size and weight.
정답: 4 해설 (다양한 거북이에 대한 이야기)
Q. 다음 글과 관련된 속담은?
An insurance agent repeatedly trid to convince a man to buy fire coverage for his home. "No", "the homeowner kept saying.", "It's well built, and I maintain it properly. My house will never catch fire." But one day it did! Imagine the look on that insurance agent's face when the homeowner foolishly ran to him to buy an insurance policy - as smoke filled the sky flames gutted his home. It was way too late!
1. Better late than never. 2. It is no use crying over spit milk. 3. Easier said than done. 4. Every man has his faults.
정답: 2 해설 (화재로 집을 잃고 화재보험을 가입하는 이야기) insurance 보험 agent 모집인, 설계사 convince 확신을 주다 fire coverage 화재보험 flame 불길
Q. 다음 글을 쓴 목적은?
The superintendent informed us that you were annoyed by our television last night. We certainly do not want to cause you any disturbance. If you had called the matter to our attention immediately, we would have lowered the volume and closed the windows. The boys are extremely interested in night baseball game, and though I do not wish to ask them to forego that pleasure, I will see to it that they take every precaution to keep the sound from disturbing you. If at any time you should find our activities bothersome, please do not hesitate to let us know. We shall try to cooperate in every way we can.
1. 아이들의 교육문제를 협의하기 위해 2. 관리인에게 집수리를 요청하기 위해 3. 이웃의 야간 소음에 항의하기 위해 4. 밤에 TV를 크게 튼 것을 사과하기 위해
정답: 4 해설 (아이들이 소움 유발에 대하여 사과하는 글이다) superintendent 관리인 annoy 짜증나게 하다 disturbance 불쾌 forego 앞서가다, 미리 단속하다 see to it that 확실하게 해두다 precaution 조심
'공부기록일지' 카테고리의 다른 글
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